Multiplier Event – Presetation of IO3

Between the 12th and the 20th of December 2022 the partners of the project organised i their county a Multiplier Event during which they presented the results of their work. In particular they talked about the guidelines they produced on the professional profile of the Street Sport Educator and the way to promote it and evolve it into practice. The genral idea was to create a product that can be used both in the sport and educational environment to involve youngsters, in particular those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, in an inclusion process using sport as a tool, to improve their skills and their knowledge. During the multiplier event the interest for this new figure was increased both in the Third Sector and in the Sport World. They proposed to try to create a strong and consolidated network so that this kind of work can be improved and the Street Sport Educator can become a structured professional figure and an opportunity for the new generations of workers. Considering all the events we had more than 200 participants.

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