TM6 – Transnational Meeting in Barcelona

The partnership attended the last Transnational Meeting of the project in Barcelona in November, that saw all of us present both online and in presence. Before the real start of the discussion, our host GESEME proposed an interactive role game in which everyone of us had to draw and write what the project meant for each of us and shared it with the rest of the group. During the meeting they discussed the final version of the guidelines, that are the product of the work of the IO3. They defined to present them during the Multiplier Event that will be held between the 12th and the 20th of December in the different countries of the partnership. Our host prepared also for the participants a Study Visit to the Camp Nou, and the Historical Museum of FC Barcelona.

During the last meeting the partnership discussed about the monitoring and the financial aspects of the project to prepare for the final financial and management reports.

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