Event 1 – Street track and field as a tool for young people inclusion – Conference

On the 20th of March 2021 in Genoa the Partnership presented the first milestone of the project: the Research “IO1 – Study about street track and field as a tool for social inclusion”.

The Study was elaborated by our Polish Partner “Collegium Baltikum”, a private universitiy in Szczecin (PL), with the contribution of all the other partners that collected datas and surveys in their territories contacting Associations and Experts that work in street education and sport. The main result of the study was the concept that sport seems to be one of the best tools to achieve social inclusion of young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.

At the meeting took part more 30 persons both online and in presence. They were from different Associations that work with disadvataged young people or in social environment as well as sport associations and the President of the Ligurian Athletic Federation, Carlo Rosiello, the President of the Ligurian Olympic Commitee, Antonio Micillo, and a member of the Italial Atheltic Federation, Oscar Campari and last but not least were also present our partners in this project.

The main achievements of the Event were: one transnational about insert the final results of the project in the program of the Study Centre of the Italian Athletic Federation, and two local about a possible collaboration with the Ligurian Olympic Commitee on this topics and a first contact with local Associations that work with disadvantaged communities. All the presentation both the Study and the informations on our partners will be attached below. The study is reacheable in the IO1 session (under activities) of this website and it will be avaiable in all the languages of the partnership (italian, greek, polish, spanish, slovenian, romanian and turkish).

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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