Multiplier Event

Between the 12th and the 31st of December 2022 the partnerhip held in each country an Event in which they presented the IO3 and the final results of the project: the guidelines on street sport education.

At the Events were present local Institutions, local Stakeholders, local Sport Associations, Third Sector Associations, some National Instituition and a Representative of the twin European Project Geolab, Chiara Spinato that works for the Athletic Italian Federation and citizens. The main result of the Multiplier Event are the suggestions and the ideas on how to move forward with this concept creating networks among sport associations, third sector association, NGOs and Intitutions to transform the innovative professional figure of the street sport educator in a professional profile included in the official catalogue of skills. Some other suggestions were about finding resources to finance this kind of work.

In Genoa the event was planned in 2 days, the 16th and 17th of December, with around 50 participats. The first one was a conference both online and in presence dedicated to present the guidelines. To the discussion were present a delegate of the Athletic Italian Federation Oscar Campari, the President of CONI Liguria Antonio Micillo, the past President of the Atheltic Italian Federation Alfio Giomi, the Director of the Regional School of Sport of CONI Liguria Cristina Caprile, the Sport Delegate of Municipio Levante in Genoa Elisabetta Minarelli, some educators from Educational Centres that work in Genoa Camilla Marrè Brunenghi, Debora Chiarello and Daniele Bencivenga, and a Representative of the twin European Project Geolab, Chiara Spinato. Some representatives of our two projects (Track&Field4All and Geolab) exchanged experiences, knowledge and ideas, and also took part in mutual events. In the secind day we presented the work to a general public of citizens and we also organised a littel friendly competition with the youngsters that participate in our activities both on the filed and on the streets.

In Barcelona the event was planned on the 17th of December. It was done face to face, presenting the opportunity to the participants to different training courses held by GESEME, inviting to the event the representatives of stakeholders’ organisations and direct target group. The event took place in Barcelona, with 30 participants. The agenda of the event was: Introduction to the project; Getting to know eachother; Teambuilding activities, ice-breakers, discussion on the objectives and contents of the Multiplier event; Projection of one of the Motivational Videos done locally; Presentation of the guidelines with the showing of some other motivational videos; Presentation of the project results: Study about street track and field as a tool for social inclusion (IO1); Training modules of street track and field for educators and coaches (IO2); Guidelines for the realisation of track and field paths in the street (IO3); Networking opportunities. After the event, the participants responded to some evaluation questions about the ME. For this, we conclude that the event was successful and the participants consider the information given as being useful and interesting. Taking these results into account, it can only be expected that participants in the Multiplier Event will share the project and its results with their pears, stakeholders and network, expanding the reach of the project.

In Izmir on the 15th December, the partner IZGEM organized the Multiplier Event to present the results of the project and the guidelines (IO3) to a wide public of around 35 people. The guidelines has been appreciated by the public, that confirm the right and useful work done with the project. As in Genoa, the partner IZGEM propose after the presentation a frinedly competition with the youngsters that has been involved in the project’s activities.

On the 12th of December in Novo Mesto, the partner DRPDNM organized the Multiplier Event to present the result of the project and the final product of the IO3: the guidelines. They also did a little practical activity to give the participants a better idea of what the project was about, and they showed some of the motivational videos we created. There was also a useful discussion on street sport and good practices. They presented to a wide public of around 30 participants, and the work done was very appreciated by all; this confirms the useful work done in these months and the right direction we imagined with the project.

In Timisoara the partner IIT organized the Multiplier Event that was hosted by the Electrotimis High-school with around 20 participants. Participants were very interested to learn about the project and to reflect on the ways in which, with the support of the Intercultural Institute, they could organise sports-based activities targeting disadvantaged young people from the area, both Roma and non-Roma. There questions and active discussions based on the examples from the project presented. Participants acknowledged that something additional is necessary to attract disadvantaged young people to school, to support them in developing their self-esteem and in enhancing their social and communication competences and realised that sports can be an important tool for this purpose. The part that was most appreciated was when participants worked in small groups to discuss how they can apply some of the ideas in the guidelines to their context. Some of them already drafted concrete plans to work together to implement such activities in the spring of 2023. The agenda included presentations of the project and of its aims in relation to the previous and current activities of the Intercultural Institute, presentation and discussion of the guidelines produced in the project and of the motivational videos, discussion of examples of activities and the analysis of the way they contribute to developing the social competences of disadvantaged young people, as well as group work and discussions on how this can be relevant in the context of the participants. The feedback received from participants was very positive. This was a proof of both the fact that Track&Field4All results are a valuable reference and source of inspiration and the fact that participants were well chosen and the project responded to their needs.

On the 15th of December in Szczecin the partner Collegium Baltikum organised the Multiplier Event in which they presented all the work done with the project during the 2 years and the final product we create: the Guidelines on Street Sport Education. They also whowed the participants some of the Motivational Videos we created during our work. The public was of 30 people, and the discussion was very participated on the themes of sport and education and on how they can work together. It had a good impact on all the participants. This confirms the good work done by the partnership and the good direction we took with our ideas during the project.

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